Because of Scapien I know where my critical vulnerabilities are.

CISO, Healthcare Provider


Our holistic Attack Surface Management solution integrates your people, technology, and processes to strengthen your security posture.

Technical Operations

Technical Operations

Social Engineering

Social Engineering



Datacenter, Network & Cloud

Datacenter, Network & Cloud

User Systems

User Systems



Asset Management

Asset Management

Technical Operations

Scapien's Attack Surface Management (ASM) solution's Technical Operations module drives your organization's cyber posture, streamlining policies and amplifying security awareness to reduce your attack surface and improve your security posture.​

Our meticulous analysis of your organization's Security Procedures is crucial in strengthening your defenses. Scapien assesses your cyber policies and evaluates your organization-wide data management capabilities to ensure you securely categorize and manage different data types. Our analysis spotlights potential vulnerabilities and guides the implementation of cybersecurity best practices, providing a path to improved risk management.​

Scapien uses Employee Security Training to address the human element. Our online programs enlighten your staff on the latest cyber threats, such as phishing, social engineering, and ransomware. This includes guidance on secure practices in password management, data protection, and email communication. Employees learn to identify, report, and appropriately respond to security incidents. ​

Together, these components of Technical Operations provide a well-rounded approach to reducing your organization's attack surface. By refining policies and fostering a cyber-aware culture, Scapien facilitates a proactive rather than reactive response to cyber threats, bolstering your organization's resilience and security maturity.​

In conclusion, Scapien equips your organization with the tools and knowledge to manage cyber risks effectively, reducing your attack surface and advancing your journey to robust cybersecurity maturity.​